Take the best path forward

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Admin Dashboard

Take control of your online presence with our user-friendly admin dashboard, where you can manage all aspects of your website, from content to sales analytics, in one centralized location.

Discount Codes

Boost sales and customer loyalty by creating and distributing discount codes, making it easier than ever to run promotions and attract new shoppers.

Customer Portal

Enhance the customer experience by providing a convenient portal where customers can track orders, manage their profiles, and receive personalized recommendations.

Inventory Management

Streamline your business operations with our robust inventory management tools, helping you keep track of stock levels, restocking, and ensuring you never run out of your best-selling items.

Business reports

Gain valuable insights into your company's performance with our comprehensive business reporting tools, helping you make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies.

Link your own domain

With our platform, you can easily connect your own domain, giving your website a professional and personalized web address.

Staff portal

Empower your team with a dedicated staff portal, allowing your employees to access essential information, collaborate, and contribute to the success of your business.

Unlimited Products

Get set up with the help of a trusted freelancer or agency from the dokans Experts Marketplace.